Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Starting this back up again

Well, it happened. Owen turned one. We made it through the first year. So much has happened this past year and we've grown so much as a family. I could never have imagined how quickly this year would pass even though I was told time and time again that it would go by in the blink of an eye.

So, anyways, here we are. I've made it a resolution to start writing regularly because well, I've got a lot to say and sometimes I think there could be some benefits to writing it down (mainly Joe wouldn't have to listen to me babble as much)

At this point there's probably too much to go over from everything that's happened this year so my plan is to just recap and then start fresh.

- we hardly slept.

- my boobs were in constant use. (no picture necessary)
- we changed a ton of dirty (cloth) diapers.

- although we hardly slept, we talk about sleep/sleep arrangements/lack of sleep/sleeping through the night ALL the time

- we went to a lot of concerts/shows and brought baby b with us!

- we learned how much fun camping with a baby can be.

-Baby B dressed up as a Tiger for Halloween

-Tubby time became the happiest phrase in our family's vocabulary

-oh and we ate a ton of food

All in all I'd say it's been a pretty good year.

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