Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Warning: Bare Belly Ahead

Not much new to report here except it seems that Baby B and I are growing bigger by the day. Tying my shoes has become an increasingly difficult task and most of the time it is now left up to Joe. My belly button is hanging in there and hasn't popped yet... I don't know what this means but I feel like it will be a slight milestone when it occurs.

We passed our glucose test which means I can resume eating copious amounts of sugar, yay. I am also slightly anemic which is surprising considering my affinity for red meat.. I'm trying to sneak spinach into some of my food which might trick me if I wasn't the one sneaking it in there.

We spent the long weekend camping up at Hermit Island in Maine. We had such a great time and I became an expert at peeing outdoors while preggers. The trick is to find something to lean on so you don't have to hold your belly while squatting. Only one minor mishap occurred.

While in Maine Mom and I went shopping at Reny's where I not only got so excited by Christmas ornaments that I teared up (frequent occurance lately) but we found some pretty adorable items for Baby B. See Exhibit A.
I am confident that Baby B will be so advanced for his/her age that we'll most definitely be building snowmen this winter and these mittens will be an absolute necessity.

Along with gloves Baby B is most certainly going to be needing some adorable little socks to cover ten perfect little toes. Luckily Grandma bought us these :)

We've also hit the third trimester mark which means we're in the homestretch. I feel incredibly unprepared in all areas of Baby B. We still haven't agreed on a name, the nursery is nowhere near done and I am still holding out hope that I won't have to endure labor and Baby B will just magically appear in my arms on D day. Please don't ruin this dream for me.

1 comment:

  1. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay yer adorable!
