Wednesday, February 8, 2012

We'll never sleep... god knows we'll try

We will sleep again, right? I mean, at some point in my child's life he's going to sleep through the night, right?

Here's all the reasons I'm told Owen doesn't sleep through the night (please note these are not in order of annoyance)

1. I nurse him in bed and we cuddle and sing until he falls asleep

2. We bedshare.

3. We don't let him CIO

4. When he wakes up at night I nurse him back to sleep.

5. When he wakes up at night we rock and cuddle him.

I get it, I really do. My son would probably sleep just fine all alone in his crib, just down the hall. In fact, I'm sure we'd all sleep better without getting kicked in the face by a squirmy baby. But here's the thing, my squishy, squirmy baby isn't going to want to sleep with his Mama forever and some day I'll miss the nights of cuddling. Some people say you have to let your child figure out how to soothe themselves, which I agree with, but I think there are other ways to do it besides at bedtime.

At first I sometimes felt like I was somehow not "living up to my mom duties" if Owen slept with us at 1 year, or 2 years or whatever, there's always so much pressure to get your kid in their own bed or to go to sleep by themselves at night, I thought maybe I was taking the easy way out by just letting him sleep with us. But now I'm really proud of our decision, we have a happy baby and happy parents and we're doing what we think is right for us.

And it's not forever, right?

A throw back to the days when all my son did was sleep!