Sunday, May 1, 2011

I forgot about my blog!

It's true! Things have been so busy around here I hardly have time to shower let alone blog. But now that Owen is sleeping a little better I'm going to try to make time and update more.
Owen is 4 months today, which is incredibly mind blowing to me. I can't believe how fast this is all going. I'm trying not to be sad about that and to just remember how exciting every new stage is. Speaking of new stages Owen has developed the skill of spitting and blowing raspberries. At first I thought this was unbelievably cute and probably very advanced behavior for his age, but alas the novelty has worn off and I'm sick of being spit on.
Owen is such a happy happy baby. He's so laid back and loves to just hang out. Right now his favorite toys are Sophie the giraffe (which is basically baby crack), a silver rattle my aunt gave him (which is probably incredibly unsafe since he whacks himself in the head with it) and his lovey (a bodiless dalmatian) He also loves looking in the mirror and being worn. We've got a bunch of different wraps now and he loves being close to us all the time.
Breastfeeding is going amazing and now that I'm back at work I'm pumping on the days I'm not with him. I don't enjoy pumping but I'm so glad I've been able to keep my supply up and give Owen what he needs.
Easter was fun and exciting, Owen's first big holiday. We went to see the Easter Bunny and Owen loved her, he was smiling and cooing at her the whole time